2026 Level 3-Adv. Shamanic Practitioner
(Part 2)
Available spots
Service Description
2025 LEVEL 3 – ADVANCED SHAMANIC PRACTITIONER TRAINING (Part 2) 12 Mondays, March 2, 2026 - June 1, 2026, 12 - 3:30 PM No Class: March 30 (Spring Break) & May 25 (Memorial Day) Graduation Potluck: Monday, June 1, 2026, 12 - 4:30 PM (extended) In this Advanced Shamanic Practitioner Training (Part 2) Course, each student will prepare to do advanced Shamanic Healing work, deepen their divination skills, learn distance healing, Psychopomp, Soul Retrieval, and receive teachings/healings from the spirit realm. 2 Shamanic Initiations are offered at this level. Initiations are always optional but encouraged. Class is limited to 8-10 students to ensure the quality of your education. Instructor: Lisa Belvoir, CRMT, CHT, CST Reiki Master Teacher, Hypnotherapy Instructor, and Shamanism Instructor – 29 years experience! Exchange: $550.00 ($100.00 deposit required to hold space in class) Accept Credit Card, Checks, Cash. Payment Plan available.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
6630 highway 9, room 104, felton, ca